In stock fabrics and colors
Want to nerd out about fabrics? Want a color that you don't see? I'm here for it!

Xpac and EcoPAK
Fabrics are sourced from Dimension Polyant and Challenge, respectively. Both have a background producing sailcloth.
- Xpac is manufactured in 100% carbon neutral plants, powered solely by renewable electricity in Connecticut and Germany. VX21, X11, and LS are predominantly nylon-based, creating a sturdy and lightweight high-tech material. Visit here for further information
-ECOPAK utilizes 100% recycled bottles for developing a comparable polyester-based fabric.

1000D Cordura
The flagship of durable fabric. Utilized by Carthart, the military, and various other applications where abrasion resistance is crucial. Featuring a waterproof finish and available in multiple colors. The familiar look and feel are reminiscent of production bags made from similar fabrics.

Waxed Canvas
Robust. Heavy. Evokes nostalgia.
Waxed canvas is a cotton duck material that is waterproofed using old school techniques to literally wax the fabric. That means it can be rewaxed later to keep it's waterproofing properties for as long as the bag is around
The distinctive look changes from bag to bag as it is scrunched, rubbed, and develops a patina, resulting in each product being one of a kind

Updated all the time, check back or make suggestions!
From shiny naugahyde vinyl, to 1000D cordura, and even Xapc, I have a ton of fun patterns in stock to give your bag a statement.
Want your dog's picture or a drawing you made in elementary school on a bag? I can make that happen too!